Sunday, September 21, 2008

McDonald's Cross Country Festival at Maymont

Here is a link to the info.

List of guys who are running:

Andrew H.
Matt G.
Andrew S.

This is a varsity only meet, so only those 7 will be competiting. Details for those 7 will be handed out at practice.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Brentsville Results

Andrew H. - 8:52*
Matt G. - 8:52*
Neil - ?
Drew - 9:18*
Andrew S. - 9:19*
Nick - 9:20
Matt T - 9:20
Gary - 9:25
Keith - 9:30*
Tom - 9:30*
Frank - 9:40
John - 9:42
Curtis - 9:59
Peter S. - 10:02
Sam - 10:40
Kevin - 10:56
Matt K. - 11:27*
Peter C. - 11:27*
Dominic - 11:41*

* muddy conditions

I might be off on one or two splits and hopefully will correct them in the next week.

We are off from racing this weekend, but there will be practice early Saturday.

The following weekend is a varsity (top 7) only race. I will have details at practice.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Brentsville Relay Info

Here is a link to the list of teams, time schedule, school address, and past years results.

Here is a link to a google map from O'Connell.

We will leave O'Connell at 2:30 PM on Saturday and get back late, probably between 11:00 and 12:00.

Each relay team will have 5 members on it, and we will enter 3 teams. Anyone who is not on a relay will run in one of the "extra" races.

Relay A
Andrew S.
Andrew H.

Relay B
Matt T.

Relay C
Peter S.

- Coaches Meeting 4:00
- ‘B&C’ Mens Relay Race 4:30
- ‘B&C’ Womens Relay Race 5:20
- Open Race (parents/coaches/etc...) 6:25
- Middle School 2500 Meter Race 6:35
- Elementary School 2500 Meter Race 6:45
- ‘Extras’ Men’s 2500 Meter Race Section I 7:00
- ‘Extras’ Men’s 2500 Meter Race Section II 7:10
- ‘Extras’ Mens 2500 Meter Race Section III 7:20
- ‘Extras’ Women’s 2500 Meter Race Section I 7:30
- ‘Extras’ Womens 2500 Meter Race Section II 7:40
- Mens ‘A’ Championship Relay Race 7:55
- Womens ‘A’ Championship Relay Race 8:45
- Awards Ceremony 9:45-10:00

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Varsity results

andrew h- 18:22
matt g - 18:46
drew f - 19:18
andrew s - 20:07
keith - 20:08
matt - 20:47
neil - 20:48

30 minutes!

Season is about to start! Fire up knights!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Dinner Tonight

I have had a few questions about dinner tonight. As I informed the guys at practice this week, we are going to Joe's (a pizza/pasta place) after practice. I would imagine we will be done there around 5:30ish. That is largely just a guess. I know the girls team is also going, so in theory there could be 30-60 of us there, and that might do some weird things in terms of service. Joe's isn't more than a 1/2 mile to a mile from O'Connell and we will carpool there. I will also have my cell phone handy so if any of the guys need to call and give updates on when to be picked up, we can do that. Also, if parents or anyone else would like to join us, they are welcome to.

The address is:
5555 Lee Hwy
Arlington, VA 22207

Also, I apologize if I have been slow on the google chat feature. I have been busy the last two times someone has used it, and I would like to think that is not the norm. I will try to be more careful about putting up my away status in the future.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blog Features and More!

If you are new to the blog, you might not be familiar with all of the content as some other people are. I have added a lot of content over the past 9 months or so.

Google Chat - "Chat with Coach Butler"
Whenever I am signed into my google account, a green indicator light should appear next to my name. If you click on this "chat badge", google will send me a message a guest on the site would like to chat with me. So if you ever have any questions, this is a great tool to use. I would ask you identify yourself if you can, so I can figure out who I am talking to!

The Archives
If you look at the bottom left of the page you will find the archives for the blog. They are organized by month and display the title of the post. If you are looking for old posts, this is a good place to look.

Information Links
Towards the top/middle of the left side, you will find an area titled "Information". Under it is a bunch of links to google documents with a variety of information. The schedule, contact information, and general training information can be found there.

I would encourage you to poke around the site a little bit and see what it has to offer. There are some pictures, neat links, and more to be found.

A new feature I just created a link to is a "Google Group", which is like a message board. I am not sure how it will work, but the general idea would be for parents to use it to coordinate their actions, instead of having to use a "reply all" for a bunch of emails. If it is ineffective, I completely understand, but thought it might be worth a shot.

I also have created a new search option on the left side. In theory, if you type in a word, it will not only search the blog for relevant info, but also any sites I have linked to through the blog.

Feedback is always welcome.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Woot Mp3 player

If anyone is looking for a cheap mp3 player to run with, this might be a good choice. What is nice about electronics is they are becoming "disposable". I no longer have a giant fear about my mp3 player being stolen or getting wet in the rain! 2 gb for $19.99 plus $5 shipping at

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Upward trends, Snickers, Practice

The season is getting into full swing. Ideally I would write a long post about all of the great things going on, but I don't have the time. In a lot of ways, that is a very good sign. I will probably expand upon, and repeat this many times throughout the season, but I think the guys are much better as a team then they were when I started 8 months ago.

If I needed any more evidence, this Saturday was a perfect example of what I am talking about. The guys had an EXCELLENT hill workout on Saturday. At the end of practice I like to recap who had good workouts or impressed me, and normally 2-3 guys stand out. Saturday, the whole team stood out. From Drew leading the top guys up the hill and deciding to do 10 total (there was a quasi option to do from 8-10), to Keith hammering out a few repeats with the top guys, to the 5-10 guys working hard to stay bunched up and stick close to the top 4-5 guys. I know I forgot someone, as I didn't mention everyone's name!

"Off the track" Saturday was a great day as well. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher were great hosts for the guys! The highlight for me was pulling up and seeing a huge banner saying "Fire up Knights!" in the front yard. There was a ton of food and even a surprise from my own mother. A huge thanks to the Fletchers.

My mom is an avid reader of the blog and a big supporter of the guys. She probably knows just about everything there is to know about the team! Using the Snickers "Get Some Nuts" video as a starting point, she made some new wrappers for some Snickers and mailed them to Mrs. Fletcher. The included the motion "O", "It is a great day to be a knight!", and listed the key ingredients to the OCDP like "dedication, pride, and NUTS".

I could comment on the Olympics, but this is getting long already.

Practice is at 12:30 all week (I am assuming school gets out at 12:00 or close to it).

It is a great day to be a knight!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

500 Mile Club!

The 500 mile club keeps growing. Gardner welcomes Moran into the club.