Sunday, August 24, 2008

Upward trends, Snickers, Practice

The season is getting into full swing. Ideally I would write a long post about all of the great things going on, but I don't have the time. In a lot of ways, that is a very good sign. I will probably expand upon, and repeat this many times throughout the season, but I think the guys are much better as a team then they were when I started 8 months ago.

If I needed any more evidence, this Saturday was a perfect example of what I am talking about. The guys had an EXCELLENT hill workout on Saturday. At the end of practice I like to recap who had good workouts or impressed me, and normally 2-3 guys stand out. Saturday, the whole team stood out. From Drew leading the top guys up the hill and deciding to do 10 total (there was a quasi option to do from 8-10), to Keith hammering out a few repeats with the top guys, to the 5-10 guys working hard to stay bunched up and stick close to the top 4-5 guys. I know I forgot someone, as I didn't mention everyone's name!

"Off the track" Saturday was a great day as well. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher were great hosts for the guys! The highlight for me was pulling up and seeing a huge banner saying "Fire up Knights!" in the front yard. There was a ton of food and even a surprise from my own mother. A huge thanks to the Fletchers.

My mom is an avid reader of the blog and a big supporter of the guys. She probably knows just about everything there is to know about the team! Using the Snickers "Get Some Nuts" video as a starting point, she made some new wrappers for some Snickers and mailed them to Mrs. Fletcher. The included the motion "O", "It is a great day to be a knight!", and listed the key ingredients to the OCDP like "dedication, pride, and NUTS".

I could comment on the Olympics, but this is getting long already.

Practice is at 12:30 all week (I am assuming school gets out at 12:00 or close to it).

It is a great day to be a knight!


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