Thursday, August 7, 2008

Warm and Fuzzy

If we ever start feeling too warm and fuzzy about how we are doing, we can always go look at what the rest of the state is doing. Here are the results from AAA last year. To get into the top 20 you need to break 16. If I were a freshman I would start thinking 3+ years down the road already about being able to compete with these teams. Don't get me wrong, we have a lot of ahead of us this season, but the long term goal of the OCDP would be to have the ability to compete at this level.

Also, be sure to watch the video linked in the previous post.
1  #669 Jason Witt          SR Midlothian              4:53.2   15:10.92    1 
2 #698 Thomas Porter JR Mountain View Hi 4:56.9 15:22.41 2
3 #664 Miichael Hammond SR Midlothian 4:57.0 15:22.76 3
4 #941 Brian Landry 12 Thomas Jefferson HS 4:59.0 15:28.70 4
5 #745 Joe LoRusso Oakton 5:00.5 15:33.52 5
6 #661 Brayden Burleigh FR Midlothian 5:01.7 15:37.16 6
7 #744 Neal Hendricks Oakton 5:02.9 15:40.96 7
8 #251 Nathan Richards SR E.C. Glass High 5:03.1 15:41.53 8
9 #241 Lewis McPherson SR Douglas Freeman 5:03.3 15:42.07 9
10 #254 Leoule Degfae JR Edison High School 5:03.5 15:42.82
11 #535 Robert Peavey Kellam High School 5:03.7 15:43.28
12 #323 Douglas Fenstermac SR Gloucester High 5:03.9 15:44.12 10
13 #1042 Blake Theroux SO Western Branch H 5:04.1 15:44.69 11
14 #397 Nathan Puckett SR Hermitage 5:04.5 15:45.93
15 #690 Brian Welch SR Mills Godwin 5:05.2 15:48.03
16 #36 Ben Dejarnette JR Atlee 5:06.1 15:51.01
17 #938 Evan Heflin 12 Thomas Jefferson HS 5:06.3 15:51.44 12
18 #935 Brian Davenport 10 Thomas Jefferson HS 5:06.3 15:51.63 13
19 #255 Tihut Degfae JR Edison High School 5:07.1 15:53.97
20 #820 Davis Barry SR Patrick Henry (A 5:07.2 15:54.24
21 #785 Tyler Simmons SR Osbourn Park Hig 5:08.8 15:59.37 14
22 #466 Ted Richardson SO James River (Mid 5:10.0 16:02.86
23 #1062 Charlie Waltrip SR Woodson High School 5:10.5 16:04.68 15
24 #1045 Chris Werner JR Western Branch H 5:10.7 16:05.04 16
25 #694 Stephen Henry SR Mountain View Hi 5:10.9 16:05.94 17
26 #9 Luke Noble JR Ablemarle High S 5:11.1 16:06.41 18
27 #660 Darren Barlow FR Midlothian 5:11.2 16:06.68 19
28 #758 Seth Cunningham JR Ocean Lakes High 5:11.3 16:06.98 20
29 #8 Anthony Kotelac SO Ablemarle High S 5:11.3 16:07.19 21
30 #764 Drew Paisley SO Ocean Lakes High 5:11.5 16:07.58 22
31 #245 Chris Woody SR Douglas Freeman 5:12.4 16:10.31 23
32 #743 Brian Hendricks Oakton 5:12.4 16:10.59 24
33 #697 Daniel Porter SR Mountain View Hi 5:12.7 16:11.28 25
34 #881 Abiy Mohammed SR Stuart 5:13.0 16:12.29
35 #934 Aaron Bernstein 12 Thomas Jefferson HS 5:13.7 16:14.63 26
36 #208 Griff Ashooh JR Colonial Forge H 5:14.0 16:15.32
37 #784 Josiah Renton SR Osbourn Park Hig 5:14.1 16:15.70 27
38 #267 Cameron Shaver SR Forest Park High 5:14.2 16:16.12
39 #693 Chris Brown SR Mountain View Hi 5:14.3 16:16.46 28
40 #477 Stuart Steen JR Rams 5:14.4 16:16.70 29
41 #478 Martin Wester SR Rams 5:15.3 16:19.57 30
42 #749 Chris Weil Oakton 5:15.5 16:20.06 31
43 #244 Alec Ward JR Douglas Freeman 5:15.6 16:20.55 32
44 #777 Richard Arena JR Osbourn Park Hig 5:15.7 16:20.84 33
45 #701 Ryan Yingling SR Mountain View Hi 5:16.7 16:23.67 34
46 #759 Caleb Doan SR Ocean Lakes High 5:16.9 16:24.43 35
47 #943 Alex Witko 11 Thomas Jefferson HS 5:17.0 16:24.71 36
48 #1037 Kyle Jacobs SO Western Branch H 5:17.3 16:25.83 37
49 #219 Booth Hornsby JR Deep Run 5:17.5 16:26.43 38
50 #470 Jared Berman JR Rams 5:18.3 16:28.91 39

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